Event : 2015 CLUB Jr. Ultimate Dream Cup
2015 CLUB Jr. Ultimate Dream Cup

Date: March 13 (Fri.) - 15 (Sun.), 2015

Venue: Fujigawa Ryokuchi Park, Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan

Fee: 7,000 JPY per player (No team fee)

Division: Open (72 teams), Women's (40 teams), Mixed (24 teams)

Rule: The WFDF rules would be used, but a game is 50 minutes long. (no score limit)
You'll probably have 2 or 3 games per day.

Accommodation: 7,000-10,000 JPY per night/player. No camp allowed.
Please note that you will be asked to make a reservation for accommodation through the designated travel agency since they reserve the fields for the tournament. (it's part of the contract.)

For those teams who are outside of Japan and interested in attending the Dream Cup, please let us know ASAP so that we can save a spot for you, otherwise it'll be taken since this tournament in so popular.

Satoru Ishii
CLUB Jr. Inc.

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